Koriki 1.0.4 ED for RG35XX Image

     Approximately 1 month ago we announced an image of Koriki/Batocera Lite that ED Torres had prepared for our consoles, loaded with Roms, Themes, Overlays, configured to the maximum so that everything worked perfectly. Designed for a 128GB card and you can later change the ROMs if you feel like it.
Since that day we began to make a mirror to leave it on Archive.org available to more people, and between the little time I have and how slow it is sometimes to upload large files, it has taken a long time, to the point that it has been updated, and therefore, before publishing it here, we have taken care of updating it as well.
The image is of an 8GB card, which you can use for a 2-card system, putting the ROMS on the second card, or you can expand the SHARE partition to the maximum of your card and adding the ROMS there.
Some very heavy systems have been split into several files, but then they go in the same folder, and you can unzip them separately or when you have downloaded them all.
We leave you the direct link here, and we will also add it to our Roms section. Enjoy it!!
(NOTE: It is not valid for PLUS or H, it is being worked on)

RG35XX Koriki 1.04 ED 128GB by ED Torres


Compact No ROMs Modified Stock Firmware for RG35XX Plus

Today Reddit user TomDuhamel has made things much easier for us by publishing the last 2 updates of the Anbernic stock firmware, without roms and compacted, making it easy to download and being able to use practically any SD card, not necessarily a 64GB one…
RG35XX Plus Stock Firmware – Compact and No ROMs – Dual SD card

These are modified versions of RG35XX Plus stock firmware images, for your convenience. I hope they are as useful for you as they are for me 🙂


All partitions have been shrinked to the smallest possible size, such that the total uncompressed image size is just under 5 GB. You can use any size microSD card.


The image contains a tiny, unusable ROM partition. Instead, this system is to be used with dual SD cards, in which the system is installed on the first card (TF1/INT) and all of your ROMs are installed on the second card (TF2/EXT). The system will only read your ROMs from the second card slot (TF2/EXT), and as such no menu will appear to ask which card to use.

You ROMs card must be of a valid format (FAT32 and exFAT are currently supported). The system will not attempt to format or fix the card if not valid — in this case it will simply show no ROMs at all. However, the full empty directory structure should be copied as usual if a valid blank card is inserted. This is not a dual boot system — any OS on the second card will be ignored.


You can download one of 2023-12-08 or 2023-12-12 firmware releases. The latest is the newest, and if you don’t have a reason not to, you should pick that one. However, a number of people have noticed some issues with that one, and therefore the previous version is also made available for your convenience. You really shouldn’t run any prior version, as the version that shipped with the Plus was missing a few systems and did not support the newer hardware features.

DraStic, The Nintendo DS emulator it’s Updated

XQuader the developer has once again updated its Nintendo DS emulator, DraStic for our beloved RG35XX for GarlicOS and MinUi operating systems.
Here we leave you the Change Log:

– November 13, 2023:
1) Fixed the D-Pad being stuck after rolling over in all directions (Garlic OS).
2) Fixed stylus touch (MinUI)

– November 12, 2023:
1) Added multiple screen layouts/sizes (13 layouts);
2) Added bezel (background) images support;
3) Added overlays support (Garlic OS only);
4) Added custom stylus images support;
5) Added custom logo images support;
6) Added possibility to rotate keys (90deg and 270deg). Useful in games that require screen rotation (“BOOK” layout).

1) Add custom menu (offload hotkeys);
2) Add gamepad support;
3) Improve performance;
4) Fix remaining vsync issues;
5) Add overlays support in MinUI;
6) Add mic noise emulation (blowing sound).


You can download these updates from the XQuader blog here: https://boosty.to/xquader/posts/b9bfd9b4-5a37-48a6-8bc7-3d8aa48a5953?share=post_link

Chex Quest Port

A few days ago, (while Discorg was crashing, I couldn’t say why…) I received a message from the developer budtherooster announcing that he had created a new port, this time of the game Chex Quest.
Chex Quest is a game that uses the Doom engine and was free, it came on a CD-Rom inside the Chex cereal boxes from General Mills back in 1996.
It is about a Cereal that with various strange weapons returns different Flemoids to their dimension, but without killing anyone. (Remember that it is a game for children).
budtherooster has created this port based on Prboom so we can play it.

You can download it as always from our Ports section for GarlicOs.

Updates on Boot Animations

     Yesterday morning, taking advantage of the fact that I am on vacation and have some free time, I dedicated myself to doing pending things that I have here on the page.
I have started updating the Boot Animation Selector, as well as all the existing animations in the Boot Animations Section, and 3 new ones have been added.

Now when you choose a new Boot Animation, the system automatically restarts and shows you the new animation.
All this has been possible thanks to the collaboration of EmuGames, who has helped us with it.
It is advisable to update the Selector again from the Garlic Mods section (below in the list) and download the desired animations again from the Boot Animations section.

Tomorrow I will continue with more pending things that you have been sending me, I won’t forget about it.

Weekend Updates

     The developer XQuader sends me these modified and improved Dual-Stock firmware Scripts so that everyone can use them in their GarlicOS installation.
These Scripts are used to create a backup and restore of the GarlicOS configuration files, in case we make any changes and want to reverse it, such as changing some core… We can also return our GarlicOS system to factory. We have included it in our Apps for GarlicOS section and it is available for download there!

In addition to this, XQuader has compiled new versions of various cores so that we can update them, since they improve compatibility with games.
Here I leave the publication: (Links to updates)

TIC-80 (tic80): It is actively developed and the changelog is just too big, the most noticeable is HUGE performance improvement. I used bunnymark snd crapmark, benchmarks, and here are some results:

  • Bunnymark (bunnies number till stutters): 40 bunnies in old core, 340 bunnies in new core

  • Crapmark (overall score): 3170 in old core, 10015 in new core

PICO-8 (fake08): added RetroArch controls remapping.

Amiga (uae4arm): The uae4arm core that comes with Garlic OS just freezes my device, I’ve compiled a new one and in tested cases, it performs better than PUAE2021 (but it has fewer configurations options/features and fewer supported formats, e.g. not all hdf‘s are loading). I used a game as a benchmark – Fire And Ice, slight underclock (single minus), Threaded Video ON:

  • constant stutter in PUAE2021 even with frameskip and reduced “CPU Speed” core option,

  • almost smooth gameplay in UAE4ARM (rare slowdowns when there are a lot of effects)

Commodore set (vice c64, c128, plus4, etc.): there was a big update from the upstream project (v3.7 on Feb 12), but other than that mostly bug fixes.

Atari 800 (Atari800): Added savestate support, Rewind support, Disc Control menu (Supports Disks, Tapes, and M3U files), fixes for control issues, etc.

Atari ST (hatari): improved virtual keyboard (change keys position and colors closer to an ST), some bugfixes

ZX Spectrum (fuse): Added proper joystick management, and fixes for some control issues.

Uzebox (uzem): old core doesn’t work at all, new core “works”, but in tested games, it stutters even on overclock++

And tomorrow, more things that I have pending… 😉

Another New Video Player (and Better!) [UPDATED AGAIN!!]

     After several days of testing and exchanging feedback with the developer XQuader, today we have another New Video Player for our RG35XX, but this time Improved!!
It uses the latest version of the codecs available to date, includes text on the screen, so we can have subtitles, in addition to the improvements already achieved with the previous player that it brought us, such as fast forward, fast backward and so on… You could say that this is the call to be the Definitive Video Player!
You already have it available on our Apps page for GarlicOS, under the name of MPlayer. Enjoy watching your videos with better quality thanks to XQuader!

Update: Please download again to use the new features

– July 27, 2023:
1) Menu support was added (Menu + X), it gives access to file selector and some settings;
2) Pause state will preserve on any commands (previously almost any button press resumed the video);
3) Fixed volume keys issue (now you can hold them to continuously change volume/brightness)
4) *.m3u playlist support was added, you can put your series in a subfolder and make a playlist.

– July 29, 2023:
1) Fixed file selector (“Open …” and “Open playlist …” in the menu).
The initial directory will be the directory of the current video file/playlist (e.g. “Roms/VIDEOS”), and it will show the last viewed directory if you open the file selector again.

– August 7, 2023:
1) Added support to resume playback from the last saved position, enabled by default. Set “save-position=no” in line 54 of the “./mplayer/config” file if you want to turn it off. Playback time in seconds is saved to the “resume” subfolder, e.g. if you watching “RomsSdCard:/Roms/VIDEOS/video1.mkv”, it will create “RomsSdCard:/Roms/VIDEOS/resume/video1.mkv.resume”

– August 8, 2023:
1) Added support to preserve volume level between sessions, enabled by default. Set “save-volume=no” in line 50 of the “./mplayer/config” file if you want to turn it off.

– August 13, 2023:

1) Fixed wrong playback speed for video files with mono audio streams.

Updated GBA Cores for GarlicOs

XQuader via Reddit informs us of a GBA Core update that he has been working on to fix a problem that he had since previous versions of GarlicOs.
This is what he says in his post:

mGBA core in the Garlic OS 1.4.9 is very outdated, it was built upon source code dated Feb 22, 2022, because of an odd audio issue that appeared, when Black-Seraph tried to compile a fresh version of the core (see the changelog of Garlic OS 1.2.9).

I’ve managed to fix the issue and compile the core from the latest source code. Along with this core, I also decided to compile the latest gpSP core.

Pay attention, that save states from the old mGBA core will be incompatible with the new one – the game may not start or may have audio issues. Launch the game using the Start button to avoid loading auto-savestate and load an in-game save.

You can download the update: >HERE<

Battery Animation Switcher

     Today we bring you, with the help of RetroMateo, a battery charge animation selector, as an APP for GarlicOs, to be able to change the battery charge animation to your liking and when you feel like it.
You can download it from our Apps for GarlicOs section, and it already includes all of our Battery Animation charge themes. Remember to read the instructions to install it correctly, it’s easy, I’m sure you won’t have problems to make it work 😉

Soon and thanks again to RetroMateo, we will also have a Boot Animation and Boot Logo selector; Ideal plugins to customize our beloved RG35XX together with the Theme Selector and the Icon Selector.

EasyRPG APP/Port Available for RG35XX

XQuader the developer, who is making our consoles more useful every day under the GarlicOS operating system, brings us on this occasion a version of EasyRPG for our RG35XX!!
This application allows us to play games created for EasyRPG, RPG maker 2003 and RPG Maker 2000 (RPG Maker XP and more modern are not supported).
It is very important to read and follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file included in the download!
On this occasion, being a Standalone Application, but at the same time it is also considered a Port, we have decided to include it in the 2 Pages to make it easier to locate, so you can find it in Apps for GarlicOs and in Ports for GarlicOs. Enjoy it!!


If you need a new Retro Game Handheld Device, you can buy here!
Directly from >>ANBERNIC<<