New Video Player!!

XQuader, the Great Developer, has done it again! He has been able to create a version that works perfectly on our RG35XX of the FFplay video player, which had already been ported to the OnionOS system of the famous Miyoo Mini, and which we can now also use on our consoles.

And if you wonder what differences this new player brings; Well, many!: Now it supports more video formats, pause with a single button (without having to do a combination of buttons), very fast forward, rewind, (things that before could not be done with such ease and speed) , in addition to being able to view the audio spectrum and some other function… Totally recommended for all those who enjoy watching their videos of series or movies on their console. It is recommended to continue using the same settings when converting video files as we did with the previous player: .MKV 640×480.

This new APP is available from now on our GarlicOS APPS Page, Download it, Install it like any other APP, and remember to read the included instructions carefully to be able to change the Default GarlicOS Player for this new one that XQuader has modified.

Oh! And if you are looking for content to play with it, remember that we have a section with many videos on our Retro TV page.


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