Apps, Ports, Icons, Buttons, Firmwares, Updates…

     Since the GarlicOs Custom Firmware appeared, the scene around the RG35XX console has not stopped growing, and from here we try to collect everything and have it accessible to everyone who needs it, but there are so many things, that we are going little by little. We leave you a summary of everything new, and what is to come:

– Apps: From version 1.0.5 of CFW GarlicOs, we have the possibility of using third-party applications developed to work with the operating system, on the web we have a new section available where we will publish the APPS that we find, you can visit it from >HERE<
– Ports: Also from 1.05 we can also enjoy Ports that the developers compile for the operating system, and here we will also have a section available where we will publish everything that comes out. >HERE<
– Icons: After trying several themes/skins we realized that many system icons were missing from those themes and we decided to create the missing ones ourselves. We almost have them ready, and we will publish them shortly on a new page so that you can use them in your favorite themes.
– Buttons: We already have some Improved Trigger Buttons to be able to change the triggers of our consoles printed in 3D Resin, at a reasonable price and shipping. In Black and White colors. We are creating a STORE page so you can order them.
– Firmwares: In the Firmwares section, we have a new option based on GarlicOs and that works mainly on Retroarch without more! Maybe you want to try MustardOs?
– Updates: Thanks to the Screenshots App, we have improved our Themes Section for GarlicOs, now with animated Gifs to better see the available themes, and we are correcting some of them that are not working correctly. We hope to have them all available soon.

And soon, more things…

Video Player

As we already advanced yesterday, Black Seraph added Play Videos functionality from GarlicOs Custom Firmware. This has been achieved thanks to Retroarch’s Core ffmpeg, which we already tried to make work without success, logically we are not as expert as him…

     Since version 1.0.6 of GarlicOs, this function is already available, and the way to use it is through a new folder in the ROMS directory, called VIDEOS, and where we will have to put our .mkv files, (since Black Seraph comments which in .mp4 has some kind of conflict). It also indicates some instructions to correctly encode the file, which we understand is through the command line using the ffmpeg app from your computer, which we leave below:
“ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf scale=640×480 -vcodec libx264 -profile:v main -level 3.1 -preset medium -crf 23 -x264-params ref=4 -acodec libvorbis -movflags +faststart output.mkv”

     We have used the Handbrake application for many years to convert our videos, so we decided to give it a try, thanks to the information provided by the Reddit user raymodromero, and we have created a Preset to be able to use it when we need it. Here we leave the preset for you to import into Handbrake.

Video Player Coming Soon…

     Today from the twitter account of Black Seraph, the developer of GarlicOs, we have been able to see a preview of a feature that many of us have been waiting for, (I personally have been trying to make a player work for weeks), so we are in luck!!
The tweet that accompanies the following video says:

Video playback support coming soon.
Load it up with a season of SpongeBob and the kids will be happy.

Thank you so much!

     Hello, I am TechnopodMan, the Administrator of the RG35XX.COM page. You may have met me on Reddit (u/TechmopodMan), or in some Facebook group…

I wanted to thank you for reading this, for being part of RG35XX.COM and also for all of you who support me in this:
– Thanks to the users who collaborate by sharing your themes with others from HERE.
– Thanks to the users who collaborate by sharing your boot logos with others from HERE.
– Thanks to everyone from Reddit or Facebook who recommends or links the page to other users of the RG35XX.
– Thanks to all those who from your pages, YouTube channels and other networks, recommend or mention our page.
– Thanks to all of you who have invited me to a Ko-Fi.
– Thanks to all of you from RG35XX.COM who have bought your ANBERNIC cases or handhelds.
– Thank you very much! Let’s keep making the RG35XX BIG!!

RG35XX GarlicOs Guide by RetroGameCorps

RetroGameCorps is a very important source of information in the world of Retro emulator Handhelds. Its creator, Rus, reviews all the new systems that appear on the market on his YouTube channel of which we are loyal subscribers, RetroGameCorps. In addition, at the same time, he creates guides on his website where you can find much more information and tutorials on all these retro consoles, and he updates them quite often.

     Today he has made an update on his GarlicOs Guide for the RG35XX, and we have been pleasantly surprised to find ourselves forming part of his guide, in the Skins and Themes section for this Custom Firmware. We recommend that if you still need more information, take a look at its guide, which is one of the best you can find:

How to Add Doom to GarlicOs (Unofficial) [OBSOLETE]

DOOM is already supported by GarlicOs Natively since version 1.0.0 of 02/01/2023


     Before starting, we must comment that this “Hack” is ephemeral, since once it is done, if you update GarlicOs by overwriting the files, the changes will be lost, having to make these changes again, which I explain below:

– We are going to need to modify several files and folders, so it will be necessary to remove the card or cards that we use in the handheld and connect them to our computer.
– In the card that we have our ROMS, we must create a folder called PRBOOM and introduce our DOOM “WAD” there. (Below I have created a list of those that have worked for me and those that have not.)
– Now we are going to modify a file with a text editor. This file is located in the CFW/config/ folder and the file is called “coremapping.json”. Already in the text editor, we must add a line at the end of the list so that GarlicOs recognizes the PRBOOM folder that we have created with our Wad’s and tells it which “CORE” of RetroArch we want it to use.
It would be like this:

Once the line is added, without forgetting to put a “,” at the end of the previous line, we can save the file.
– We can add an icon to the “skin” inside the “system” folder with the name of PRBOOM.png, like this:

– Now we can put the card(s) back into the console and Open RETROARCH.
– Once in RetroArch, we must create a Playlist as follows:
We will go to Playlist, then to Manual Scan, and there we will go selecting in order the folder where we have our WADS, which if it is the second card should be /mnt/SDCARD/PRBOOM.
After in System Name, we will select DOOM
In Custom System Name, we can leave it blank or put what we want the Playlist to be called, we have put DOOM
We will select our Core by default; Doom (PrBoom)
In File Extensions, we will write .wad
And to finish we will go down to Start Scan and press the OK button.

– Now we can go back and we will see our Playlist called DOOM, we enter it and we will see our WADS.

– Now we only have to associate the PRBOOM Core to each WAD for them to work.


WADS that we have tested and their results:

DOOM (Ultimate Doom) Correct
DOOM2 Correct
HERETIC Not Working
HEXDD Not Working
HEXEN Not Working and crash the handheld. (Solution below)
Plutonia Correct
Sigil Not Working
Strife Not Working
TNT Correct
Voices Not Working

– If when trying the WAD HEXEN, the console is blocked with an image like this:

You must turn off the console, remove the card where you have GarlicOs installed and access the CFW/ folder and delete the “history.flag” file, and also since you will not be able to use it, you should delete that WAD from the PRBOOM folder of the folder where you have your ROMS.



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